Celebrating 30 Years of Friday Nights

September 15 & 16, 2023

Anne Fleming & Arjay Centeno

Polish Home – 9 First St, Windsor Locks, CT

Flyer & Registration Form (pdf)

Paypal Registration Below

September 10th, 1993 - This was the date I announced Friday Night Dances would become a weekly dance. Come down and join this milestone dance with 2 of the Northeast’s most popular instructors.


Friday 09/15/23

7-8:00PM – West Coast Swing Workshop With Anne Fleming
8-9:00PM – West Coast Swing Workshop With Arjay Centeno
9-11:30PM – Dance – Free with Both Friday workshops $10 Dance Only

Saturday 09/16/23

Here’s your chance to elevate the look of your dance. Each workshop will get progressively intricate with Patterns, Technique & Styling/Positioning … with some musical interpretation thrown in. Dancing between all workshops.

2:00-2:30PM – Warm up dancing
2:30-3:30PM – WC Swing With Anne
4:00-5:00PM – WC Swing With Arjay
5:30PM-6:30PM – WC Swing With Anne
6:30-8:00PM – Dinner Break … Or stick around and dance

Saturday Night

8:00-9:00PM West Coast Swing With Arjay
Saturday Night Dance - 9-Midnight - $10

-----------PRICES HAVEN’T CHANGED IN 30 YEARS !!!------------------

All workshops $15 Pre-Reg - $20 At door - Per Person/Per Workshop

Special Pre-Registration

$30 Friday Night Workshops and Dance
$80 all workshops and dances incl.
$100 At door

Pre registration must be postmarked by 09/11/23

VENMO Payment Option

Pricing info on flyer

Ken Mercik
Ken@djkenm.com @kens_dance_events

Paypal Registration


Make Checks payable and send to:
Ken Mercik
19 Jewel St.,
Enfield, CT. 06082
(860) 749-5434, (860)559-6179

Recommended Hotel

Hampton Inn, 2168 Poquonock Ave, Windsor, CT 06095 (860) 683-1118
Book under “Ken’s Dance Events”